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Asset 2

Co-creating spaces for regeneration Join the movement to the border of earthly possibilities while regenerating our planet and expanding human potential along the way! Exosphere aspires to contribute to creating a new paradigm by designing spaces for communities to co-create a thriving world in harmony with nature and their divine purpose.

Connecting the dots There's no need to reinvent the wheel. In the name of cooperation over competition, we are connecting the projects that are already on the way to regenerate the world.

Need for regenerative alternatives The old paradigm

The world we live in has many systemic challenges:

  • Health (diet and environmental toxin correlated illness is rising – our food is too processed, travels too far, and is covered with too many artificial chemicals)
  • Lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle spent in (home) offices leading to ever-most present burn out epidemia)
  • Macro-economic (unemployment, wage stagnation,inequality and mounting debt)
  • Centralisation (growing abuse from monopolistic and inequitable tech giants, banks and nation states)
  • Climate Change (industrial agriculture is devastating our natural world and biodiversity)
  • Consciousness of separation (media manipulating the thoughts and emotions, leading towards limited worldview based on artificial values, separation from nature)
    and last but definitely not least and the culmination of this all:
  • Anxiety and Depression (suicide being a leading cause of death, especially in young people)

People are desperate for a new vision for humanity because deep down in our core we remember a thriving world, a memory of the future. We are at the brink of regenerative renaissance with solutions already out there, the collective is just not fully aware of them…

“Ultimately, the shift towards a regenerative human civilization and increased human and planetary health will require a majority of global citizens to assume full responsibility for their co-creative involvement in shaping humanity’s and the planet’s future. To a greater or lesser extent, we are all designers of this future.” 

Daniel Wahl – Designing Regenerative Cultures 

Exosphere's vision

They said to shoot for the moon and if we miss we’ll end up among the stars. Well, we shoot for the stars right away, pushing the boundaries of Earthly possibilities and have a vision based on human divine potential.

This vision has been downloaded from our dreams and meditations, “our” meaning not only the founders of Exosphere but plenty of wayshowers across the globe. We don’t know each other personally but the visions are so similar that it seems like it’s a collective memory of the future, which realisation is given to us in pieces so we can build the New Earth together as team Humanity. Our vision might be branded as utopic by the sceptics but its seeds are already out there – either already created or at least being experimented with by researchers, scientists and visionaries alike.

Exosphere's mission

Exosphere aspires to help creating a new paradigm by designing spaces* for communities to co-create a thriving world in harmony with nature and our divine purpose.

*spaces can be virtual (online community), mental (workshops, masterminds, courses,…), emotional (circles, holding space) and finally also physical (community-based living space). 

Creating an atmosphere of regeneration and playful co-creation doesn’t happen overnight and like in the actual Atmosphere, we need to go through layers to get to the outermost layer of Earth – Exosphere.

Journey to Exosphere The atmosphere's outermost layer

Our initiatives will support the systemic change that needs to happen for the Earth(lings) to thrive and create a fertile soil for the actual Exosphere community-based living space to launch perfectly.
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Exosphere Spaceship | Exosphere Space Slovakia #PilotProject

1st phase –  looking for a suitable land and people wishing to co-create a regenerative community-based living space in Slovakia

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Exosphere Spaceship | Exosphere Space Slovakia #PilotProject

1st phase –  looking for a suitable land and people wishing to co-create a regenerative community-based living space in Slovakia

2021-03-16 13_51_47-Inssterior Layouts of Dome Homes - YouTube copy

Initiatives | Atmosphere of regeneration

Online course focused on 13 sectors of regeneration available for all willing to learn

| Exosphere community

A platform for the glocal communities to connect, learn and co-create together

| Cultivating Biosphere

Exosphere’s initiative supplementing the local CRM movement focused on creating awareness about the power of trees, soil and crystals (public movie screenings and content creation)

| Becoming weightless

Cacao ceremonies and meditation workshops enabling people to connect to their heart and to learn how to work with their energetic bodies

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Initiatives | Atmosphere of regeneration

Online course focused on 13 sectors of regeneration available for all willing to learn

| Exosphere community

A platform for the glocal communities to connect, learn and co-create together

| Cultivating Biosphere

Exosphere’s initiative supplementing the local CRM movement focused on creating awareness about the power of trees, soil and crystals (public movie screenings and content creation)

| Becoming weightless

Cacao ceremonies and meditation workshops enabling people to connect to their heart and to learn how to work with their energetic bodies

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Support the movement If you feel called to support Exosphere or one of its initiatives, there are multiple ways to get involved - you can donate any resource, money, time, expertise or service

Contact the crew

If you feel called to support Exosphere or one of its initiatives,
there are multiple ways to get involved – you can donate any resource, money, time, expertise or service. You can also send the signal through this form.

      Join the Movement

      Launch the journey to Exosphere, a community space to co-create a thriving world in harmony with nature, on the border of Earthly possibilities.

      Support the Crew

      There are multiple ways to get involved – you can donate any resource, money, time, expertise or service.

      Contact the Spaceship

      Adress: Rozmarínová 13,
      821 04, Bratislava | SLOVAKIA


      Spaceship Fuel | Powered by Universal energy and Mother Gaia